I figured I better tell the reason for following the Keto diet. Maybe someone out there can relate to my struggle.

The binder I filled with Keto recipes I got from, you guessed it, Pinterest.

I’ve dabbled with diets for the vast majority of my life. Some have worked, but most have failed miserably. I’m what you would call an “emotional eater.” It doesn’t have to be bad emotions either. I eat when I’m happy. I eat when I’m sad. I eat when I’m mad. I eat when I’m bored.  I especially eat when I’m stressed. You name the emotion and I have eaten when I have felt that way. I’m also a mindless eater. I spent many a-night, correcting papers and munching on a tasty treat. My vices were cereal straight from the box and strawberry Twizzlers. Combine that with a knack for procrastination, (Me: Let me eat all the bad food in the house today because I’m starting my diet tomorrow. Me the next day: Oh, wait, there’s still some food left. I better finish this, I wouldn’t want it to go to waste. But I’m starting tomorrow for sure.) and you have the perfect trifecta for diets crashing and burning.

I’ve been the “bigger girl” most of my life but I played sports (okay, a sport) and stayed active (Tae Bo, anyone?!) so I wasn’t necessarily “fat.” That is, until my junior year in college. I gained weight with some unhealthy habits (you know, college life) and graduated at the highest weight I had ever been. After college, I moved to Arizona and realized you can’t cover up with hooded sweatshirts, like you can in Minnesota. In case you didn’t know, Phoenix is hot! This forced me to do something about my weight. I joined Weight Watchers with a friend and started doing cardio kickboxing (which is awesome, by the way!). I also did some hip-hop dance classes, but don’t ask how that went. This was one that actually worked! I lost 50+ lbs and was in the best shape of my life! It was the best! I felt wonderful! I vowed that I would maintain this and never let myself be the “bigger girl” again!

My wedding day!

Fast forward. Marriage, stressful job, and one challenging kid later, I became much larger than even my college self. Many, many diets later (South Beach, several more stints at Weight Watchers, Beach Body, who knows what else), I find myself doing Keto. I won’t go into the details of the program, you can look it up. Basically, it’s a high fat, low carb diet. The science behind it made sense to me and the internet says it works, so I thought what the heck! Stay tuned to see how this goes!

If there is anyone out there that has felt my yo-yo diet pain, solidarity! Let me know your thoughts!

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Dabbling in Keto
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