I made my own easy button. It doesn’t work.

Have you ever wished that parenting had one of those Easy Buttons? Your kid is throwing a huge fit in a grocery store because you won’t buy that giant cookie or doughnut. Everyone is staring at you with pity.  Boink! (if you can’t tell, that is you pressing the easy button) Said kid stands up, holds on to the cart smiling, and says sweetly, “I’ll do whatever  you say, Momma.” Pop! (again, the sound of the fantasy bubble over your head popping)

Buggy and his favorite thing, his train table.

Boy, I wish I had one on a daily basis. As a mother to an amazing (I have to say that, right?), yet challenging 5-year-old, I would give up a lot to have situations resolved so easily. My son has been stubborn since birth. Actually, before birth. He literally would not come out until the last minute. Doctors were about to give up and do a C-section, then he was like, okay, I’ll come out! 

We recently discovered that Buggy (don’t ask me why that’s his nickname), has some sensory issues that contribute to his behaviors at home and school. It has been a struggle to say the least. Since the “easy button” is just wishful thinking, the Hubster and I have had to make adjustments to our lifestyle to help set him up to be successful. And keep ourselves sane!

By nature, myself and the Hubster are more easy-going and not what you would call “planners.” I would say spontaneous, but that makes it sound way more glamorous and adventurous than we should be given credit for. It is more like, “Hey, we haven’t been out of the house all weekend and I’m caught up on all my Netflix shows. Let’s go do something.” That something usually ends up being a trip to Menards or Home Depot, followed by dinner at some nearby restaurant ( I will save you the play-by-play of how that conversation goes).

Buggy’s schoolwork

In any case, Buggy’s best bet is to keep him on a regular routine with minimal interruptions or surprises. Because I am not a Type A person (probably the furthest thing from it), I needed something to help keep him (and me) on track. Enter a daily routine chart. I went to my best friend, Pinterest, and looked for something that had pictures of the things he needs to do daily. I couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for (You know, for free. I wasn’t going to pay for anything.). Since I dabble in the arts and craft world, I pieced together a couple different charts to make something that would work for my son and I. Being a teacher (and a cheapskate, who likes to take the easy way out), I am pretty good at adapting others’ work to make it my own (thank you TpT!) You can find my inspiration for the charts here, here and here .

Daily routine charts from To Do to Done.
Morning and night routine chart.

I cut out the pictures from two different charts and the base from another chart. Then, I laminated the whole thing. Okay, I have a secret. I didn’t technically laminate it. I used clear wrestling mat tape (don’t tell the Hubster!). However, you should probably just laminate it. I couldn’t find the circle Velcro, so I cut the square ones in half. That’s creative and cost effective! Yea, me!

The chart gets hung on the fridge where he can see it everyday, along with some other reminders.

This was absolutely essential for getting Buggy ready in the morning before school and going to bed at night. Now that it has been established,
he’s in the groove of the routine and we can go a little while without using the physical chart. If he starts getting off track, like coming back from time off school, I just steer him back to this and Boing! Its like pressing an “easy button.” No, its not really, but it at least helps keep us as sane as possible. Which might not be saying much for us.

Is there something that is a go to “easy button” for your family? Maybe it is bribery. I can’t say that has never been done. Hey, this is a safe space, where I won’t judge you. I can’t say the same for others who may comment, but you’ll get no judgement from me!

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Parenting is Easy, right?
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